West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Florida

The Play Base

Discovering Beautiful Minds

Beautiful Minds

Professional Child Behavioural Therapists We Do ABA a Different Way in Florida

Providing a play-based approach to help clients reach their developmental, educational, social, emotional and psychological needs.

We're Here to Help

The Play Base West Palm Beach, Florida is here to help you and your family with any behavioral services you need for children with behavioral, developmental and neurodiverse needs. We offer ABA a different way in the Boca Raton, West Palm Beach areas in Florida.

We are a team of professionals who are passionate about creating deep and meaningful positive change for each and every one of our clients. We are happy to help your child and family reach their goals while using evidence-based approached in Applied Behavior Analysis.

Frances Fishman-The-Play-Base-West Palm Beach Florida
child therapy behaviour Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida near me logo

Our Services

Best Child ABA Therapy Florida

Child ABA Therapy

1:1 support is provided by a behavioural therapist who is supervised by a Board Certified Child Behaviour Analyst.

best in home ABA Therapy Florida

In-Home ABA Therapy

Consultation with a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst is used for cases where 1:1 support is not needed or not possible.

Our Approaches

Natural Environment Teaching (NET) Near Me Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida

Natural Environment Teaching (NET)

Natural Environment Teaching (NET) is a more natural form of utilizing ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis) and is conducted in the child’s typical environment.

Incidental Teaching child near me

Incidental Teaching

Incidental Teaching provides structures learning opportunity through the principles of ABA and is conducted in the natural environment through the incorporation of the child’s interests and natural motivation.

Milieu Teaching

Milieu Teaching

Milieu Teaching (MT) comprises four well-established teaching techniques: (1) modelling & correcting, (2) the mand-model technique, (3) time delay, and (4) all components of IT (described above).

Pivotal-Response-Training child psychology Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida ADHD Therapy

Pivotal Response Training

Pivotal response training Toronto Vaughan (PRT), is a child-directed therapy well supported as an established evidence-based practice intervention for children with ASD.

Reciprocal-Imitation-Training-(RIT) Child ADHD Therapy Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida

Reciprocal Imitation Training (RIT)

Reciprocal imitation training (RIT; Ingersoll and Gergans 2007) draws from naturalistic behavioral approaches such as IT, MT, and PRT.

Early-Start-Denver-Model-(ESDM) children's ADHD Therapy Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida

Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a comprehensive behavioural early intervention approach for children with autism, ages 12 to 48 months.

child behaviour therapy floor time Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida Near Me

Play Therapy (FloorTime)

Floortime uses play and focuses on emotional and relational development (feelings, relationships with caregivers).

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) child therapist behaviour Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

DTT is a style of teaching that uses a series of trials to teach each step of a desired behaviour or response that is broken down into simple parts/steps.

child psychologist Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida Near me

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)

Used for very young children with an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), usually younger than 3-5 years.

Why Play Base

Our Team

Frances Fishman

Behavioural Analyst – Founder

Founder of The Play Base and Board Certified Behaviour Analyst …

Jessica Malone

Case Supervisor

Capilano University Grad, BCaBA & Registered Behaviour Technician …

Yael Elitzur-Samuel Lead Therapist

Yael Elitzur-Samuel

Lead Therapist

Yael is a registered behavior technician  and has a Masters or Arts degree…

Successful Play Based Learning

Children are naturally drawn to play. “The impulse to play comes from a natural desire to understand the world” The NAEYC.
child therapy behaviour Boca Raton West Palm Beach Florida near me logo
Floridian children are identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
1 in 3
as many boys are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as girls
1 x
or less receive appropriate therapy by the time they reach 18.
0 %

*Statistics source: CDC.gov – Florida

Fact or Fiction?


ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that has been clinically observed since the early 1820’s.

ADHD is the most prevalent childhood psychiatric disorder in the United States.

ADHD remains under-recognized and underdiagnosed even though it is the most treatable psychiatric disorder in the United States.

Children with ADHD are commonly labeled as problem children, rather than children with a medical problems.

Scientific studies have shown that ADHD is highly heritable and is a chronic disorder that persists throughout the lifespan.
Children, adolescents and adults with untreated ADHD are at a greater risk for: Less academic success, Mental health & Self esteem issues, Substance abuse and greater chance of involvement within the justice system.


In the Media

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Motivation: the reason(s) one has for acting or behaving in a particular way… the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

In #aba we know there are two types of motivation: intrinsic (I do it because I love it) and extrinsic (I do it for an external reward). 

We know intrinsic motivation is more powerful long term. That is why our “why” needs to be deeply rooted in something meaningful for us. 

What is your “why” for your big goals? What are your child(ren)’s whys. Empower the why, remember the why and allow it to push you towards your goals. 💪

#abatherapy #motivation #whatisyourwhy #playbasedaba #mindfulaba #powerful #fitness #hardwork
Nature is God’s way of showing off 🌅 
☀️ 🌕 🌳 🌴 🌼 🌊 
Allow yourself moments of grounding in nature. Breathe it in. Let it settle your heart. Let its ways remind you of who you are. 🦋 

#nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #grounding #regulation #selfregulation #selfcare #nature #mindful #mindfulaba #mindfulness #appliedbehavioranalysis
What if we believed in ourselves? Connected to our purpose and chose everyday to live by it no matter how many times we fall, get hurt, fail or make mistakes?

What if we raise children who believe and know they are here for a higher purpose, who believe in themselves and their magic ✨ and who go out into the world with the skills and the confidence to make this world a better place? 

We can. 
We can remember to connect to something greater than ourselves, reconnect with our why and remember that we can change the world together.
We can raise children who are strong, confident, fierce yet compassionate relentless and gritty humans here to live out their highest purpose no matter the challenges they face because they have a deep knowing, connection and why. 
We can reconnect when we lose touch. We can remind our kids that failure is another step closer to success and remind ourselves that if we set out our mission, have faith and take action- we will get there. Often not on the path we thought, but on the path that is needed. Keep walking. Keep pushing. Keep changing this world for the better. 🙏🏻✨
I mean… some mornings are just slower and more challenging than others 😴 🤣
I always start optimistic though! 
#parenting #truth #morningroutine #parentinghumor #slowandsteady #momlife #momproblems #parents #parenthood #gettingkidsready
I don’t know what you hear about #ABA / #appliedbehavioranalysis but I know it’s become a bad word… 🫢
It doesn’t have to be. Let’s do better because we know better. #abatherapy #bcba #compassionateaba #compassionatebcba #playbasedaba #playbasedlearning #childledlearning #parents #abatherapist #childtherapy #letsdobetter
‼️Attention 🇺🇸 #rbt and #bcba ‼️

We are hiring!! Are you ready to provide a service that feels connected to your heart and soul that is compassionate, child- led and adult guided? Look no further! We are growing and we are hiring which means.. we are looking for YOU! 🤩

Send resumes to intakefl@theplaybase.com or call us to inquire for more information. 

Let’s create magic✨ and incredible change together! 🤝

#hiring #rbtjobs #bcbajobs #abatherapy #playbasedaba #wearehiring #bocaraton #sunnyisles #southflorida #compassionateaba #childledtherapy
Breath… it is the 🔑 

The reason we always say take a breath is that there is a science behind what it does to our 🧠 and nervous system and thus how it impacts our response, our thoughts around something and thus the behaviors we engage in.
It’s a hard truth. My kids are still so young and I keep feeling this message come up for me. I know it’s one that comes up for my friends and clients too. 

One of my mentors taught me something early in my career “to do for someone what they can do for themselves  is to disable them.” I learned my job was to teach each person in the way that they learned to do for themselves because we want to provide children with the skills to be independent, not co-dependent. My husband @ronen_fishman_real_estate always says “show them the way and then get out of their way.” 

It’s easier said than done when you know your child is struggling in some way. It’s not about ignoring their struggle, but rather finding the way to support them, teach them, guide them and then let them step into themselves with confidence and power. 💪🏻
2️⃣ years here in the 🇺🇸
9️⃣ years in 🇨🇦 
#bossmom title is no joke and one that I hold with great honor. Moving to a different country to expand #theplaybase was not just a personal choice, it was something we were guided to do… something deeper than just leaving a country- a mission… a purpose. 

Walking this journey has had some incredibly challenging and scary moments… like every entrepreneur will tell you… it is the greatest risk but with the potential for the greatest rewards. There was no other choice for me but to start this beautiful company… this team of professionals who all seek to change the world with the same values, ideologies, principals and philosophies… one where we put love, connection and compassion first and then follow with the incredible science. One where we see the deep humanity in each child, adolescent, parent, teacher, therapist… person we support and work with. 

We all fight our own battles, we just don’t usually publicize the hardships. I’m here to tell you that I am deeply grateful for every single hurdle that has come my way and for every beautiful magical moment. Here’s to many more years changing the world. ✨ 

Use your gifts to make this world a better place. Spread your light. Shine so damn bright it’s blinding. God knows it’s why we are here and how badly humanity needs it. 

#anniversary #entrepreneur #mompreneur #momboss #playbasedaba #abatherapy #bcba #businessowner #immigration #compassionateaba #changetheworld #thankful #gratitude #realtalk #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurlife #bossbabe
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