
West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Florida

The Play Base

Discovering Beautiful Minds

West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Florida

The Play Base

Discovering Beautiful Minds

Tailoring ABA Therapy for Teens: South Florida’s Unique Approach

ABA therapy

When it comes to ABA therapy, the blend of professional experience and personal insights from one’s own family life can significantly enhance the effectiveness of treatment approaches. Take the case of an ABA therapy expert who not only brings over 12 years of experience in behavior modification across home, community, and educational settings but is […]

Parents’ Guide to ABA Therapy Success in South Florida

ABA therapy

In the bustling and diverse South Florida region, navigating the world of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy can seem daunting for many parents. Whether you reside in Miami, Boca Raton, or Fort Lauderdale, gaining a deep understanding of ABA therapy and knowing how to maximize its benefits is essential for the developmental success of your […]

The Power of Early ABA Intervention in South Florida’s Young Minds

ABA therapy

In the heart of South Florida, a revolution is taking place, transforming the lives of countless children and their families. This transformative force? Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. Led by Frances Fishman, a seasoned Board Certified Behavior Analyst with a rich background in Developmental Psychology and Education, The Play Base is at the forefront of […]

Home vs. Center ABA Therapy in South Florida: Making the Right Choice

ABA therapy

When navigating the journey of ABA therapy for your child in South Florida, the question often arises: should you opt for the comfort and familiarity of home-based therapy or the structured, resource-rich environment of a center? The decision isn’t straightforward, as each option carries its unique set of advantages tailored to different needs, preferences, and […]

Key Life Skills ABA Therapy Teaches South Florida’s Children

ABA therapy

In the sunny and vibrant communities of South Florida, a transformative approach is reshaping the way children grow and learn. This game-changer? Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA therapy. Known for its personalized and impactful methods, ABA therapy is more than just a set of techniques; it’s a bridge to a world of opportunities for our […]

A New Dawn in ABA Therapy: The South Florida Revolution

ABA therapy

In the heart of South Florida, a transformative approach to ABA therapy is unfolding, heralded by the innovative minds at The Play Base. Led by Frances Fishman, a visionary in the field, this revolution is redefining the essence of developmental support and behavioral intervention. The Architect of Change: Frances Fishman and The Play Base Frances […]

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